Can anyone advise please?

Gestart door starfish, februari 02, 2009, 19:48:58

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Hi, I'm new to this site and not sure if I am in the right forum but here goes....

Can anyone recommend a good Vet in The Hague,one who is very experienced with Parkieten?. Also where is a good place to buy a new Parkiet , we bought our last one at the Vogelkelder but he only lived 5 months! We would like to find a good bird shop or even a good reputable breeder to buy a new bird from.

Sorry that I cannnot write in Dutch!!


Hello and welcome to our forums.

Unable to write in Dutch isn't a problem for the most us understand english very well.

Sad to hear that your (previous) budgie only lived 5 months. Even the most experienced breeder can have mishaps like this, and that goes for shops as well.

I have a link for you with a load of addresses for vet's with a lot of experience with birds.
They are sorted by province so you should look for Zuid Holland.

I'm curious though, I can't tell if you have a budgie at this point; but if so, why do you require a vet? Isn't it feeling well or just in case something might go wrong?

Anyway, I hope the link helped you out a little.

Loving greets from us to you
Pootjes van; Obelix en Joey
Groetjes van ons :). IM: Venus-Gino-Silly-Mini-Gina-Giny-Pino-Kyra-Tolo-Cookie-Charly-Tweety-R2-D2.1-Kruumel-Oli-Sammie-Mozy-BB-8.1-BB-8.2-C-3PO-Pino II-Scotty-Jecky-Amy-Punky-MozyII-Dot-Lemmy-Eddie-Neo-Döpke
Geheugen problemen; Bij voorbaat excuses


Hi and welcome!

Following adress isnt on the list (yet) but also recommended by one of the best avian veterarians in this country:

Dierenkliniek Duinoord
Groot Hertoginnelaan 229
2517 ET 's Gravenhage (Den Haag)
Tel. 070-3655666


And 's Gravenhage is the same as The Hague.
(could be confusing)


Timo: lief klein havikje, ik hoop dat je van bovenaf naar beneden tuurt om te kijken wat we doen...
Winky: klein eigenwijsje, ontdekkingsreizigertje, dag dapper kanarietje, geniet er van!
Dag Lay, dag bloempje van me...
Mijn lief tam Kesje: amper 5 weken oud, te nieuwsgierig voor deze wereld..


Many thanks for the name of the Vet, we will definitely try them out. The Vets we have been to so far were ok but we really wanted to find one who is very experienced with birds so we will give this Vet a try.

We did have 2 budgies but one died on Sunday of pneumonia, it was awful. 
We wanted to wait to buy another bird but the one we still have is very quiet and not interested in anything, I think she is missing the other bird. We will look for somewhere in the Hague where we can buy a new friend for her.


It is likely that she misses her little friend, but you might also make sure that she is ok herself. I dont know if she had a checkup herself when the other one got ill, but when you are not sure she is ok, you might want to let the Vet check her out also.

"De Vogelkelder" is certainly one of the better petshops in town.
I would recommend NOT tot go to Dennis Papegaaien in the Hague or 4Animals in Rijswijk. Those have realy bad reputations.

Any petshop or breeder can have mishaps, just like Kleintjes said earlier.



Hi Starfish
Welcome here. Dr Becking of Dierenkliniek Leyweg is a good one. Also there is a new vet who took over the Clinic from a bad one, his name is Dr Marvan and his wife, Dierenkliniek 't Zicht. I know his sister (she's my colleague) and she says he's very good but I haven't been there so can't confirm.
Unfortunately I had the same experience with the Vogelkelder, my lovely Nicki only lived 1 year. And I'm not pointing fingers, but I bought my Skyvie now from someone breeding various birds at home.
I'll sent you a PB.
Kind regards


Sorry, i didn't mention it here, but i send Starfish a pb with a link of dr. Becking  ;)

There are also people here, who have little birds at the moment, maybe you can arrange something with one of them!  :)


Thank you for all the advice, you are a nice bunch of people and very helpful.

Jolande, I think you are talking about D.Palgi, we had the misfortune to take our (earlier) budgie there and we blame him for the budgies  death!! He caused Bogies foot to bleed while examining him, he bandaged the foot to stop the bloodflow and failed to mention the bandage should only stay on for one day. 3 days later Bogies foot was dead, he had to have it amputated and died from the operation, he was less than a year old. We complained to Palgi and told him we held him responsible, he reimbursed all of our costs so this showed us that he knew he was in the wrong!!

So far we have bought all of our budgies from De Vogelkelder but we often see sick birds in the cages and so many birds per cage. We thought conditions might be better with a breeder and also they should know a lot about the birds. I have e-mailed the breeder so fingers crossed.

Again, thanks for all your help  ;D


For a breeder and for the Vogelkelder is it difficult to see how healthy a bird really is, because many diseases come out when the bird gets older. no one can tell what will happen with your bird in the furture.
I agree with you about de Vogelkelder, i saw sick birds too the last few times i went there. I mention it every time i see a sick/wounded bird. Then they can give the right treatment to the bird.

I hope you'll have luck this time and you'll get a nice little friend and hope you don't have to visit a vet!


Thanks Roha,

I understand what you are saying. I just think a breeder will have more knowledge and experience than a pet shop, I hope so anyway!


The topic starter asks for a good veterinarian in The Hague.
I think it's rather purposeless to discuss if de Vogelkelder sells healthy birds or not. So please, stay on topic.


Sorry, but I originally asked for a good Vet and a good place to buy a bird. Its good to know if other people have good or bad experiences with pet shops, if someone can recommend a good shop then that can only be a good thing and if someone has had a negative experience then I think that should also be shared with other people.


PM for Starfish. ;)


I'm sorry to hear what happened to Bogie. What a awful experience. Palgi was indeed the vet I meant. I hope you will succeed in finding a nice budgie and that we can enjoy a picture in the 'fotoalbums'.



Hi Starfish, welcome aboard!

I also recommend DK Duinoord. There are two vets there who are specialised in birds, they're both very good with budgies. Not only do they have the know-how, but they also obviously respect the birds and care for them beyond the medical level. I'm sure they both specialised in birds because they love them.

If you're looking for a new budgie in The Hague, why not adopt?
I'm a volunteer at the Animal Rescue Centre of The Hague, and we also have a hospital. This hospital houses (pet)birds that have been found and offers them up for adoption. At the moment we have about 10 budgies in our birdroom that are looking for a new home. I have a topic about the budgies that are staying at the hospital:
The topic is in Dutch, but if you'd like some information in English, I'll be happy to give it. Just send me a message and I'll fill you in on whatever you'd like to know.


I forgot to say: there are employees at the Vogelkelder who have a lot of knowledge of birds.
So i don't think that breeders have more knowledge and experiences than petshops.


Thanks for everyones help and advice  ;D

We ended up getting Billy from the Animal Rescue Centre that Moppers recommended, he is gorgeous and an ideal friend for our existing bird, they fell in love and have been inseperable ever since.

We also visited the Vets in Duinoord which had been recommended, the Vet we saw was fantastic, not only did she know a lot about parakeets but you could tell she genuinely cared about birds. We will definitely go back . 


I'm glad to hear it's a succesful match ;D Two happy budgies, and two happy owners!
I hope you and the other budgie can enjoy his company for years and years to come.


And here are the happy couple, soul mates for life  :D

Placing photo's just for showing isnt allowed on these forums, photo's only are allowed when needed for specific questions ( like what colour is this, is this male or female etc) To share your budgies with the other memebers, you can use the "fotoalbums" Caradow

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