Can anyone advise please?

Gestart door starfish, februari 02, 2009, 19:48:58

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They look very nice and beautiful. Keep up the good work!  ;D


Nice to see they are so happy together :)

Placing photo's just for showing isnt allowed on these forums, photo's only are allowed when needed for specific questions ( like what colour is this, is this male or female etc) To share your budgies with the other memebers, you can use the "fotoalbums"

For this reason i removed one of your Photo's...


They look lovely together, made for eachother  :-*

Ehm... Is your female budgie allright? Her bodylanguage looks like she is having a problem or carying an egg?
Or was it just the moment you took the picture that she was sitting a bit strange?

I'm a bit worried about the curving on the beginning of her tail/ end of her body?
Just curious..
Timo: lief klein havikje, ik hoop dat je van bovenaf naar beneden tuurt om te kijken wat we doen...
Winky: klein eigenwijsje, ontdekkingsreizigertje, dag dapper kanarietje, geniet er van!
Dag Lay, dag bloempje van me...
Mijn lief tam Kesje: amper 5 weken oud, te nieuwsgierig voor deze wereld..


The female was constipated due to a bacterial infection, we took her to the Vets who examined her and prescribed medication,she has fully recovered now.Thanks for caring.